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If you are interested in taking a more in depth course then First 4 Sail is an accredited member of International Yacht Training (IYT) Worldwide. IYT operates boating courses in 180 schools in 45 countries and has more than 30 years worth of experience.

The course is designed to account for the Caribbean waters with small groups catered for so there is plenty of opportunity for each candidate to practice all the skills learnt over the period of the course to improve on each aspect.

You will be issued with a logbook and certification to the standard dictated by the course.

We offer Introduction to Boating and International CrewFlotilla Skipper

Bareboat Skipper, Coastal Skipper and VHF Radio. If you are unsure whether sailing is for you then there is a one day Introduction to Sailing that will teach some of the basic skills to see if you wish to further your education.

Most of the courses run over 5 days, these can be done concurrently or broken up over weekends.

First 4 Sail can also issue ICC (International Certificate of Competency) which is required to operate vessels in the majority of European countries. This applies both to private and charter boats.


 Introduction to Boating and International Crew

4 Day  Course

Certificate Limitations

·                     Crew on a vessel up to a maximum length of 78 ft /24 metres

·                     in coastal waters up to 20 miles offshore

·                     in daylight hours and in fair conditions with moderate wind and sea conditions


Course Outline


·                     Nautical terminology

·                     Safety briefing

·                     Rope work

·                     Basic rules of the road

·                     Introduction to weather

·                     Basic sail handling

·                     Basic handling under power & sail

·                     Man overboard procedures

·                     Vessel equipment and instruments

·                     Engine checks and maintenance

·                     Deck seamanship

·                     Sailing and power vessels handling skills

·                     Dingy handling under power


Flotilla Skipper & VHF Radio Mile Building Course


This is a five day course which is aimed at increasing a student's knowledge and experience sufficiently to "get you thinking like a captain"  and to prepare them for the Bareboat skipper course and increase your logged miles. The recommended entry level requirements are International Crew course or similar. This course will also include the VHF radio operator's licence which is a pre-requisite for further education.


Course Outlines


·                     Man overboard procedures

·                     Charts and chart work

·                     Buoyage

·                     Taking over a vessel and vessel checkout

·                     Engine, tools, spares, safety equipment

·                     Crew safety briefing

·                     Galley and provisioning

·                     Powerboat & Sailboat handling skills

·                     Basic first aid

·                     Collision regulations

·                     Customs matters and legal requirements

·                     Preparing a short passage

·                     Anchoring


International Bareboat Skipper


This is a five day course. It is not for beginners and the recommended entry level requirements are a VHF radio operators certificate, and to have logged over 200 nautical miles and 10 days at sea before advancing to this level. The recommended minimum age to obtain this certification is 18.


Certificate Limitations


·                     Command of a vessel up to a maximum length of 78 ft /24 metres

·                     In coastal waters up to 20 miles offshore

·                     In daylight hours and in fair conditions with moderate wind and sea conditions

·                     This certificate is the level of competence that one needs when chartering a boat in the Mediterranean or West Indies where there are restrictions in terms of cruising area and distance from the base and the vessel has to be safely moored in a marina or anchored before dark


Course Outline


·                     Crew safety checks

·                     Hull and rig checks

·                     Machinery and systems checks

·                     Fuel and water capacity and range

·                     Menus and quantities

·                     Sources of meteorological information

·                     Weather patterns, cloud types & formation

·                     Sea and land breezes

·                     Pilotage plans and passage planning, considerations

·                     Routine for navigating a coastal passage

·                     Port regulations, customs, immigration

·                     Vessel handling in confined quarters

·                     Mooring, anchoring, coming alongside

·                     Ropes, knots, care and use of lines, deck work

·                     Tides, tidal heights, springs, neaps and currents theory

·                     Rule of "twelfths"

·                     Position fixing, running fixes, plotting effects of tides & currents

·                     Collision regulations

·                     Lights, shapes and sounds




IYT Coastal Skipper


We are now pleased to announce we offer the Coastal Skipper 


The IYT Worldwide Yachtmaster Coastal certificate of competency for command of a sailing and /or power vessels up to 24 meters in length up to 60 nm offshore.


Please inquire for further details and minimum necessary entry requirements.



IYT Certifications
Proud new sailors

IYT International Crew
IYT International Crew students